Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Reason for the Season

Alex recently started going to a local Christian School and has been learning alot about God, and Jesus. So today while we decorated the tree I thought it would be a great opportunity to talk about the purpose of Christmas. Now I warn all the theological scholars, and philosophers reading this blog that this conversation took place with a 3 year old who thanks God every night for making nana, mommy, and Buzzlightyear so please do not judge.

Me "Alex who is Jesus?"
Alex "Jesus is God's son, God is Jesus's daddy."
Me "Alex whose birthday is on Christmas?"
Alex "its my birthday!!!! "
Me "No your birthday is in September, its Jesus birthday."
Alex "NO Jesus cant share my birthday, Its my birthday too"
dramatic pause to evaluate how to handle this
Me "Alex who is Jesus?"
Alex "He is God's Son"
Me "Jesus was born on Christmas"
Alex "OH cool I love Jesus"

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