Sunday, December 12, 2010

Re Gifting

So recently Alex and I had a discussion about Santa Clause. He wanted to know why Santa has reindeer, why he says Ho Ho Ho, why he is so big. Well during this conversation Alex also told me that he wants new everything. He would show me his existing toys and say "I want this guitar but new one." "I want this buzzlightyear doll but new one". So in my infinite wisdom to educate and guide my child to be morally sound I came up with this idea. I took some of his older toys and re wrapped them for Christmas. Tee hee hee insert me twisting my mustache..NOT that I have a mustache I mean I do keep up with that kind of maintainence. Anyways and it was only a couple toys the remainder are new things he did want from Santa. I will keep you all posted on how that develops on Christmas day.

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